Chinese Idiom Free Apps

Chinese idiom free in description

by JTSolution
Chinese Idioms Dictionary for O-Lever! This Dictionary include all Chinese Idioms instructed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore.Adapting for Higher Chinese, Express Chinese and...
Chinese idiom learning for beginners.Contains 18 useful idioms story like "狐假虎威","胸有成竹" etc. Each story is read by professional radiobroadcaster and with intresting cartoon and...
by Yoshinari Mori
このアプリは、音読の反復練習により中国語の頻出四字熟語(発音、ピン音、意味)をマスターすることを目的として開発されました。 このアプリに収められている四字熟語は、中検、HSKなどの資格対策から新聞・雑誌の読解やビジネス会話まであらゆるシーンでよく使われる四字熟語の中から200語を激選して収録しています。 中国語に限らず語学上達の秘訣は音読を繰り返すことです!...
by ThoughtFul
成语辞典专业版2.0 美国区教育类,what's hot !!

Chengyu (literally “set phrases”) are a type of traditional Chinese idiomatic expressions, most of which consist of four characters. Chengyu were widely used in Classical Chinese and are still...
by Biao Zhang
by Hisand Liu
以正體漢字編輯的可以離線使用的成語辭典。★ 正體漢字(繁體漢字,非簡體字轉換而來)。★ 共收錄條目二萬二千餘條,其中正文條目五千餘條,餘為附錄條目。★ 每個條目包括釋義、出處、拼音、注音、參考詞、近義詞、反義詞等內容。★ 正文條目更包含內容非常豐富的典源及典源說明。★ 支援漢字、通配符號?、拼音首字母搜尋。★ 不用連上網路,隨時隨地使用。★ 程式絕不窺探個人隱私。★ 可以將資料庫轉移到 SD...
by mh liang
Demonstrates the use of video: Set the qeury of Chinese words , practice writing , learning and memory as one of the application software . Inspection of Chinese words...
by Smart.Tools
Idiom Idiom Dictionary application contains a total of more than 50,000 ( 50,000 ) .Chinese idiom is the general concept of a fixed phrase or phrases , often with historical stories and...
by Smart.Tools
The software also provides version of Android , designed for large screen Android Pad tailored search in Android Pad "Xinhua Dictionary and Chinese idiom dictionary " to...